January 15, 2016

Updates, Banners, and GIFs... Oh my!

Yesterday was a busy day! Before I jump into all the TpT happenings, I would love to share some very exciting news! I was offered {and accepted} the head coaching job for my schools girls soccer team yesterday! Everything is now official and I've been bursting to share the news! I coached at my former school for two years, but it was in a co-coaching capacity. It will be so refreshing to have my own team and run it solely the way I see fit without the added give and take. Not only that, but this will be my first paid coaching position! Yes, my other three positions were all on a volunteer basis... Needless to say the extra income will be incredibly beneficial, but I'm more excited to just have a team again.

Alright, on to the meat of this post! Yesterday I focused on reading the TpT sellers forum and making adjustments to my store as needed. The challenge I took on involved updating my banner and creating a GIF for my store, as opposed to using a quote in the upper area of the site. My mind was blown by how easy it was to complete and how awesome it looked afterwards. I watched an entertaining {but somewhat hard to follow} video by Kayse Morris about banners and GIFs. You can find that YouTube video here. It was a great resource to use, but while playing around with her suggestions, I think I discovered a short cut. When using Photobucket and GifMaker, you don't have to resize everything in Photobucket, simply adjust the size of your PowerPoint slide to 2.5 inches by 1 inch. You can even stretch this to 3 inches if necessary {it will really depend on the look you're trying to achieve}. By using this size, you won't have to resize the photos within Photobucket! 

After watching that video and creating my new banner and GIF, I went back and began reading forums about when to start using a blog or facebook/twitter to promote your products. I'm reading a lot of different opinions on this! Some say to do it all right away, while others say to wait... We'll since I've already started the blog, I'm going to keep it going, but I really want to focus on my products before moving too far into other things. I currently have 12 active products on my store, but while reading the forum today, a lot of people recommended having 12 SOLID products before promoting them in various social media forums. I'm not feeling "solid" about all of my products. I think they're all a great starting point, but they can be better! So, after a quick nap, I decided to re-create my basketball borders! The original clip art basketball I made for myself was not very well made, so I recreated it and reformatted the borders on the frames and now I think they look clean, well-made, and cute! I finally finished that just before this post. You can check out them out by clicking here.

Until next time,
xoxo The Sassy PE Teacher

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